Level 4 Classes: This course is suitable for people who want to extend their vocabulary and further alongside the grammar structures. By the end of the course students will be able to hold a conversation at a higher level and provide information about previous memories and future plans.
Term duration 10 x weekly 2-hour classes, Wednesday evenings, 6:15pm to 8:15pm
Key Language
Talking about travelling and itineraries in general, including past travels and holidays. This will also reinforce the combined use of past perfect and imperfect and revision of future. e.g El año pasado visité México con mi familia.
Describing childhood memories, using the past tense to tell stories e.g. Cuando era joven, jugaba al fútbol con mi hermano.
Conditional to express desire, kindness, advice and hypothesis e.g. Me gustaría un helado.
Learning to differentiate between Ser and Estar when using adjectives e.g Soy una chica / Estoy cansada.
Understanding and using more expressions with Tener e.g Tengo sed / Tengo que ir/ Tengo una hermana
Understanding which past tense to use. e.g. El año pasado fui de vacaciones a Córdoba. Allí había una gran mezquita.