Learning EventsLearning EventsNorwich Death Café at the Sainsbury Centre (2024-2025)DescriptionNorwich Death Café at Sainsbury Centre Meet in the Modern Life Café at 2pm, and at 3.30pm join us for a special tour of the collection which will highlight one special object related to death each week. Death Café is a worldwide movement that brings people together to drink tea, eat cake and discuss death. Our aim is to normalise these conversations and in so doing help us all to enjoy our (finite) lives. This is a free event and all guests get their first cuppa on the house. To find out more about what to expect at a Death Cafe go to www.deathcafe.com Please Note: Death Cafe events are offered as an informal space for talking about death with a view to normalising these conversations. As such they are not offered with the intention of providing bereavement support. The Norwich Death Cafe team are happy to signpost on to other organisations locally offering this kind of support where needed. Contact norwichdeathcafe@gmail.com for further details. Death Cafés are held throughout the year at the Sainsbury Centre’s Modern Life Café. Tickets are free, but booking is essential. Please make your selection below for the date you wish to attend. Venue: Sainsbury Centre Modern Life Café, UEA, Norfolk Road, Norwich NR4 7TJ
Young Associates Spring 2025DescriptionYoung Associates is a free creative programme for young people aged 16-25 years old. Working in response to the question 'Can the sea survive us?', Young Associates will explore self-publishing as a means of creativity, community building and activisim. With guidance from artist Anna Brass and Josh Hall from artist-publishers Possible Worlds, the programme will take a multidisciplinary approach to thinking and making, exploring ways that art can be a tool for change.
Dates: Tuesday 4 February Tuesday 11 February Tuesday 18 February Tuesday 25 February Tuesday 4 March Tuesday 11 March Tuesday 18 March Tuesday 25 March
Time: 16:30-18:30 Location: Meet at Gallery Reception
Family Studio 24 MayDescription24 May 10:30 - 14:00 Ocean Telegraph An artist-led workshop for all the family, come along to explore A World of Water together, and make collaborative artworks about water and words with associate artist Jess Morgan. Suitable for families with children aged 5-11. Book in advance on our website.
Buy ONE family ticket which includes gallery entry, studio activities and materials, and a snack for everyone. Ticket costs £10 per family member attending, up to a maximum of £40 per family. Bursary places are available for families on a low income. Email Rach: Rachel.Anstey@uea.ac.uk £20: 2 person ticket £30: 3 person ticket £40: 4+ person ticket
Young Artists' Studio 29 MayDescriptionYoung Artists' Studio (7-11) 29 May 10:30 - 15:30 Sea Sound Scapes What do the seas have to say to us? Spend a day at the Sainsbury Centre with associate artist Johann DonDaniel. Explore sound through sea water, movement and words. Experiment with sound technologies and work together to create an intriguing hydro acoustic world. Suitable for ages 7-11. Book in advance on our website. Buy ONE family ticket which includes gallery entry, studio activites and materials, and a snack for your young person / people. You will recieve an automated email with a link to a short questionaire, which must be completed to attend this unaccompanied workshop. Tickets cost £15 per person attending. Bursary places are available for families on a low income. Email Rach: Rachel.Anstey@uea.ac.uk £15: 1 child ticket £30: 2 child ticket £45: 3 child ticket £60: 4 children ticket
Young Artists' Studio 29 - 31 JulyDescriptionYoung Artists' Studio (12-16) 29 - 31 July 10:30 - 16:00 Can the Seas Survive Us? During this 3-day workshop, you'll develop your own project with support from three Sainsbury Centre associate artists: Marnie Hardy; Ian Brownlie and Rose Feather. Use a range of techniques including drawing and digital photography to create works on paper in response to our Can the Seas Survive Us? Exhibition season. Experiment and develop your ideas alongside other young artists. Learn book-binding techniques to finish your work ready to display in the Living Area. Suitable for ages 12-16. Book in advance on our website. Buy ONE family ticket which includes gallery entry for three days, three studio workshops and all materials. You will recieve an automated email with a link to a short questionaire, which must be completed to attend this unaccompanied workshop. Tickets cost £45 per person attending. Bursary places are available for families on a low income. Email Rach: Rachel.Anstey@uea.ac.uk £45: 1 person ticket £90: 2 person ticket £135: 3 person ticket £180: 4 person ticket
Mini Studio 13 MayDescriptionMini Studio: Term-time workshops for parents, carers, and preschool children. Take part in relaxed guided exploration followed by multisensory play with a Sainsbury Centre artist. Book from the beginning of each month on our website and pay what you can. Dates: 13 May 1030 - 1200 Sea Monster with Rose Feather
Buy ONE family ticket which includes gallery entry, Mini Studio activities and a snack for everyone. Tickets cost £10 per child, up to a maximum of £25 per family. Babies with an older sibling do not require a ticket. Bursary places are available for families on a low income. Email Rach: Rachel.Anstey@uea.ac.uk £10: 1 child ticket £20: 2 children ticket £25: 3+ children ticket
Mini Studio 10 JuneDescriptionMini Studio: Term-time workshops for parents, carers, and preschool children. Take part in relaxed guided exploration followed by multisensory play with a Sainsbury Centre artist. Book from the beginning of each month on our website and pay what you can. Dates: 10 June 1030 - 1200 Waves with Abby Page
Buy ONE family ticket which includes gallery entry, Mini Studio activities and a snack for everyone. Tickets cost £10 per child, up to a maximum of £25 per family. Babies with an older sibling do not require a ticket. Bursary places are available for families on a low income. Email Rach: Rachel.Anstey@uea.ac.uk £10: 1 child ticket £20: 2 children ticket £25: 3+ children ticket
Mini Studio 8 JulyDescriptionMini Studio: Term-time workshops for parents, carers, and preschool children. Take part in relaxed guided exploration followed by multisensory play with a Sainsbury Centre artist. Book from the beginning of each month on our website and pay what you can. Dates: 8 July 1030 - 1200 Watery World with Dot Howard
Buy ONE family ticket which includes gallery entry, Mini Studio activities and a snack for everyone. Tickets cost £10 per child, up to a maximum of £25 per family. Babies with an older sibling do not require a ticket. Bursary places are available for families on a low income. Email Rach: Rachel.Anstey@uea.ac.uk £10: 1 child ticket £20: 2 children ticket £25: 3+ children ticket