Level 4 Classes: This course follows on from Level 3 and will extend vocabulary further alongside the grammar. At the end of the course students will learn how to hold a conversation at a higher level and exchange opinions in a variety of settings.
Term duration 9 x weekly classes, Monday evenings, 6:15pm to 8:30pm (your last class will finish at 20:15).
Please note, there is no class Mon 5 and Mon 25 May.
Key Language
Travelling: Talking about travelling and itineraries in general, including past travels and holidays. This will also reinforce the combined use of past perfect and imperfect and revision of future. e.g. l’anno scorso ho visitato la Toscana. Abbiamo fatto il giro panoramico di tutta la zona collinare
Family: Talking about family relationships. Making comparisons and expressing opinions. e.g. la mia fidanzata crede che il matrimonio cambierà la nostra vita
Italian culture: Talking about cinema, theatre, including other aspects of the Italian culture such as traditions and customs. e.g. la trama del film è semplice, si tratta di una storia d’amore all’italiana
Work and Society: Discussing work and career aspirations. e.g. mi piacerebbe realizzare il mio sogno e diventare un libero professionista
These topics will be practiced with a variety of activities which will enable students to exchange opinions and formulate hypotheses. This will be facilitated, at a grammatical level, with the use of conditional and subjunctive