Level 2 Classes: This course is suitable for people who have already had 20-30 hours of teaching, who would like to use it for holiday and/or work-related purposes. By the end of the course, you will be able to formulate simple sentences in a conversational setting, understand simple written information, talk about the past and discuss plans.
Term duration - 10 x weekly classes, Wednesday evenings, 6:15pm to 8:15pm
Key Language
Revision personal information, eating out, shopping food: Greet people, ask and give personal information (name, nationality, occupation languages spoken, residence etc.), details of family and friends e.g. Sono irlandese ma abito a Londra
Meeting people: Talk about likes and dislikes, hobbies, plans; learn past tenses to talk about the past e.g. Sono andato a Roma
Finding the way: Talk about a location of something or someone, ask for/provide directions e.g. In piazza ci sono due alberghi
Making travel arrangements: Ask for information, book/buy tickets, find out times and different means of travel e.g. Ci sono tariffe speciali per studenti?
Booking Accommodation: Ask for availability, facilities, give dates and details e.g. Arriviamo il sei gennaio