Level 1 Classes: This course is suitable for people with no prior knowledge of the language, who would like to use it for holiday and/or work-related purposes. By the end of the course, you will be able to formulate simple sentences in a conversational setting and understand written and spoken language at a basic level.
Term duration
10 x weekly 2-hour classes, Wednesday evenings, 6:15pm to 8:15pm
Key Language
Greeting people, giving personal information (name, nationality, occupation etc.), introducing friends
e.g. Konnichiwa./ Watashi wa nihon-jin desu./ Sasaki-san wa gakusei ja arimasen
Using numbers such as telephone numbers, prices, and telling times including opening hours
e.g.Denwa bangō wa …. desu/ Kore wa ikura desu ka./ Tōkyō wa ima 8-ji desu