Level 3 Classes: This course is suitable for people who have already studied the language and completed Level 2, or have achieved GCSE level but not practised the language for a long time. The course will reinforce what you have already learnt and further extend vocabulary, grammar and fluency.
Term duration 9 x weekly 2-hour classes, Tuesday evenings, 6:15pm to 8:30pm (your last class will finish at 20:15).
Please note, there is no class Tue 6 May.
Key Language
Talking about the past: Talking about past events, combining the use of past perfect and imperfect tenses. e.g. Mentre leggevo il giornale il telefono ha squillato
Shopping: Shopping for both food and clothing at a higher level, giving more detailed descriptions of items of shopping and practising direct and indirect pronouns. e.g. Vorrei provare quel cappotto di lana in rosso/lo prendo/le occore altro?
City and Transport: Travelling and commuting. Learning how to enquire about public transport. Talk about advantages/disadvantages of living in the city or countryside, using the comparative form. e.g. Con quale mezzo di trasporto vai a lavoro?
Health: Talking about health, going to the doctor and understanding general and medical advice. e.g. Non mi sento bene, ho il raffreddore
Planning future holidays: Using the future tense to discuss deciding on destination, transport used, accommodation, a simple daily programme and itinerary. e.g. l’anno prossimo andrò in vacanza in Sicilia