Level 1 Classes: This course is suitable for people with no prior knowledge of the language, who would like to use it for holiday and/or work-related purposes. By the end of the course, you will be able to formulate simple sentences in a conversational setting and understand written and spoken language at a basic level.
Summer term duration:
10 x weekly classes on Thursday evenings, 6:15pm to 8:15pm.
Key Language
Meeting people: Greet people, ask and give personal information (name, nationality, occupation languages spoken, residence etc.), details of family and friends e.g. Sono irlandese ma abito a Londra
Eating out: Attract the attention of the waiter, ask availability of food and drink, order drinks, snacks and meals, ask for and pay the bill e.g. Io prendo una brioche e un cappuccino per piacere
Shopping for food: Name common shops, purchase items specifying quantity e.g. slice, box, kilo, litre or sizes and material and write a shopping list. e.g. Un etto di formaggio grana per favore
Using numbers: Quantities, prices, telephone numbers. e.g. Quaranta euro
Learning the alphabet, days of the week, months and useful time expressions e.g. La settimana prossima