Level 3 Classes: This course is suitable for people who feel comfortable with what is covered in Levels 1 and 2. You will already be able to communicate simple, basic needs, use familiar everyday expressions and talk in a very simple way about yourself, using the present tense. By the end of this course, you will be able to express some of your past experiences, compare options and express simple future plans. This level covers the first part of the A2 level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)*.
Term duration: 9 x weekly 2.25-hour classes, Monday evenings, 6:15pm to 8:30pm. Please note that your last class will finish at 20:15.
There will be no class Mon 5 and Mon 25 May.
Key grammatical points covered include:
Consolidating accurate use of the present and near future tenses
Adjectives (2) and comparatives. E.g. J’aime plus le vélo que le tennis.
Simple past tense (passé composé). E.g. J’ai acheté une maison.
Simple future tense. E.g. On prendra l’avion à 16h.
Simple hypotheses. E.g. Si elle est malade, elle ne viendra pas.
Direct object pronouns. E.g. Tu me parles?
Simple relative pronouns (qui/que). E.g. C’est l’amie que je vois le vendredi.
Y/en pronouns for locations. E.g. Je vais chez le médecin. J’y vais demain.
Communicative themes may cover:
Expressing oneself or understanding others when talking about leisure activities and passions.
Describing homes and comparing types of accommodation.
Describing people’s characters.
Recounting/understanding people’s accounts of recent experiences and holidays.
Talking about key life events (moving house, meeting a partner etc.).
Making social arrangements and plans during a trip, or to go out.
Expressing a simple opinion about healthy living and well-being.
Talking about health (body parts, common illnesses, symptoms).
*The CEFR levels indicated on our level descriptors are not a guarantee that you can take the associated DELF exam (Diplôme en Language Française) for this level. If you would like to take the DELF (there is an exam centre in Cambridge), please speak to your tutor to discuss what they think would be most appropriate.