Level 2 Classes: This course is suitable for people who are comfortable with what is covered in Level 1 (such as: giving basic personal information about yourself, being able to use regular and very common verbs at the present tense). By the end of this class, you should be able to communicate simple, basic needs, use familiar everyday expressions and interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and is prepared to help. This level covers themes from the second half of the A1 level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)*.
Term duration: 10 x weekly 2-hour classes, Tuesday evenings, 6:15pm to 8:15pm
Key grammatical points covered include:
Present tense 2 (with irregular verbs). E.g. Ils doivent prendre le train.
Demonstrative adjectives. E.g. Je préfère cette maison.
Locating in time and space (adverbs, prepositions). E.g. à quelle heure ?
Expressing belonging 2. E.g. La chambre de Stéphane.
Simple impersonal structures. E.g. Il y a des nuages. Il pleut.
Near future and recent past. E.g. Je vais voyager. Je viens de manger.
Imperative mode (do this, buy that…). E.g. Tournez à droite.
*The CEFR levels indicated on our level descriptors are not a guarantee that you can take the associated DELF exam (Diplôme en Language Française) for this level. If you would like to take the DELF (there is an exam centre in Cambridge), please speak to your tutor to discuss what they think would be most appropriate.