Level 1 Classes: This class is suitable for people with no prior knowledge of the language and who would like to interact with friends and family with hearing difficulties. The class covers conversational BSL and Deaf Awareness in some depth. At the end of this class students will be able to produce and understand basic signs used in every-day social interactions, as well as have an understanding of Deaf etiquette and Culture.
This is not a Signature accredited BSL Level 1 course.
Summer term duration: 9 weeks / 8 x weekly 2-hour 15-minute classes, and 1 x 2-hour class.
Thursday evenings, 6:15pm to 8:30pm (the final class will finish at 8:15pm)
Please note: there will be no class on Thurs 29 May
British Sign Language is the sign language used in the UK. It is the preferred language of over 87,000 Deaf people in the UK for whom English may be a second or third language. (Source BDA)
The language makes use of space and involves movement of the hands, body, face and head. Many thousands of people who are not deaf also use BSL, as hearing relatives of Deaf people, sign language interpreters or as a result of other contact with the British Deaf community.
Topics include;
Manual (Fingerspelling) alphabet,
Deaf awareness, culture and etiquette,
Questions, greetings, time within BSL, numbers, emotions, colours, family and animals, weather, transport, jobs, professions and places within the community
This knowledge would provide a good springboard into Signature BSL Level 1 and beyond.