Level 2 Classes: This course is suitable for you if you have already mastered the Arabic script and pronunciation, and basic language covered in Level 1, and you would like to use it for holiday and/or work-related purposes. By the end of the course, you will be able to converse more naturally in daily life settings, read and write your first Arabic phrases and learn further interesting cultural features of the Arab world.
Term duration: 9 x classes, Tuesday evenings, 6:15pm to 8:30pm
Please note: There will be no class Tue 3 and Tue 10 June. Your last class will fiinish at 20:15
Key Language
Pleasantries: in Modern Standard Arabic and some dialectal variations
Talking about where you live and with whom
Giving information on your occupation and where you work or study
Describing things and everyday objects
Making polite requests and using courtesy phrases
Places, cities and towns: how to describe them
Asking for directions
Nationalities: from the Arab world and other countries
Focus on the Middle East: states, capitals, people, dialects
Celebrations and hospitality: guests and hosts
Tea and coffee houses
Other high frequency expressions, their contexts of use