Level 1 Classes: This course is for you if you are an absolute beginner, with no prior knowledge of the language and you would like to use it for holiday and/or work-related purposes. By the end of the course, you will be able to formulate simple sentences in a conversational setting, read and write the Arabic script at a basic level and understand some important aspects of the Arab culture.
Term duration: 10 x classes, Wednesday evenings, 6:15pm to 8:15pm
Key Language
Reading, Writing and pronunciation of Arabic letters
Greeting people, thanking, leave-taking, pleased to meet you
Giving personal information: name, country, place of living, occupation
Asking about well-being and saying how you feel
Numbers 0 – 10: using them for phone numbers
Introducing close family members and friends
Ordering snacks & drinks in a café
Listening to people from the Arab world introduce themselves
Introduction to the Arab world: geography, people, language, religion, dialects
How Arabs greet each other and forms of address (formal, informal)
Some Arab countries and cities in Arabic
High frequency expressions with “Allah” and their contexts of use
Other useful high frequency words and phrases: sorry, excuse-me, please etc.