Term duration 9x weekly classes, Monday evenings, 18:15-20:30. Your final class will finish at 20:15.
Please note: there will be no class Mon 5 and Mon 25 May.
Level 7 Classes: This course is suitable for people who have obtained an A-level or recently completed a Level 6 and wish to consolidate knowledge and use of lexical and grammatical structures and improve conversational skills. This level corresponds to Level B1-B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
Key Language
The historic past (passato remoto) e.g. Giovanni Pascoli fu un grande poeta italiano e nacque a San Mauro
The past Conditional and the past Subjunctive: used in conditional sentences of type III e.g. Se fossi venuta al teatro ieri ti avrei offerto qualcosa da bere
Pronominal verbs (cavarsela, entrarci) e.g. Me la cavo bene con la matematica/ Io non c’entro niente con quello che è successo
Themes: Students will engage and express their opinions in relation to some specific aspects of Italian social and cultural aspects ranging from work, food and arts.